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Contact Us

Contact Info

Your input matters! If you have any inquiries, feedback, or requests, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Whether it’s a question about our products, a suggestion for improvement, or just a friendly chat, we’re just a message away. Connect with us today, and let’s make things happen together. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Kukuljeviceva 29, Varazdin, Croatia

Working Days/Hours

Mon - Fri / 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Send Us a Message

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help.


    1. Send us user images and you will be featured in one of our media or galleries. MAIL:
    2. Send us general questions at MAIL:
    3. All retail sales questions go to MAIL:
    4. For severe problems there is tech team at MAIL:
    5. Coop, sponsorships and marketing proposals shoot to:
    6. If you have an idea, sketch or blueprint you want us to cut or develop something entirely new, contact MAIL:


    Get validated as a legit business and gain access to awesome profit margins, prices and quantities, just send us an email to

    Do not hesitate to contact us about any matter of your concern or just want to make us proud by sending your work of art, your piece, send us photos at

    We will do our best to assure you:

    1. Personalized Assistance: Get tailored help for your unique needs.
    2. Timely Responses: Expect swift and prompt replies.
    3. Seamless Problem Resolution: We solve issues quickly.
    4. Product Insights: Learn about our products in-depth.
    5. Stay Informed: Stay updated on promotions and releases.
    6. Address Unique Concerns: Get specific answers to your questions.
    7. Quality Assurance: Confirm product quality and performance.
    8. Feedback and Suggestions: Share your ideas for improvement.
    9. Convenience and Accessibility: Message us anytime, anywhere.
    10. Building Trust: We’re here to earn and keep your trust.

    Message today to enhance your shopping experience.